Enghouse Resources

November 27, 2023

Elevate Your Research with Multi-Mode Project Design

In the realm of research project architecture, a researcher's role goes beyond survey design and target audience definition, encompassing the crafting of the most effective approach for gathering valuable opinions and feedback. Overcoming challenges, such as limited internet access for some respondents, is crucial for result precision. Researchers today benefit from a variety of options, allowing creative freedom to design cost-effective, multi-mode data collection strategies that transcend organizational boundaries, technology landscapes, vendor collaborations, and global geographies. Recent innovations make these approaches accessible, irrespective of in-house capabilities, empowering researchers to tailor strategies to their unique research demands. This evolution signifies a limitless future for research.
November 27, 2023

Mastering the Art of Data Collection

Embarking on a research project to understand customer or employee sentiments and overall satisfaction with a new product or service is an exciting opportunity. Success hinges on crafting a survey that optimizes the data collection process. While conducting all research online may lack representative responses, an all-phone approach offers timing control but may incur higher costs per completion. As a researcher, the challenge lies in not just designing a survey and identifying an audience, but also in determining the most effective method to gather opinions and feedback. Discovering optimal strategies is essential for streamlining data collection and ensuring a diverse range of valuable feedback.
November 27, 2023

Empowering Democracy with Inclusive Public Opinion Insights

Public opinion is crucial for democracy, shaping genuine representation. Our advanced respondent targeting solutions aid political strategists and policymakers in engaging with representative citizens who are voters, taxpayers, and consumers. Striking a balance between cost and coverage, our solutions provide prompt, cost-effective insights for transparent and accountable government functioning. With diverse methods, our platform ensures effective connection with citizens of all demographics, guaranteeing precise polling data while meeting necessary quotas.